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Can We Prevent Knee Injuries?

As most of you know, women are more likely to have knee injuries than men. The most common explanation I heard for this was men and women have different bone structures. And as a result, women experience more stress in certain areas of the body. Recently, Allison Aubrey of National Public Radio (NPR) did a story that provides a clearer reason why women have more knee injuries.
Why do women have more knee injuries?
Aubrey's story, which is titled Training May Curb Some Sports Injuries In Women, notes that men do not experience as many knee injuries because during puberty they develop larger rear leg muscles, i.e., the gluteal and hamstring muscles. Unlike women who depend on the front muscles (quadriceps), men are able to use the rear muscles for power and speed more efficiently. Hence men have better front and rear leg muscle balance. Without good muscle balance, the ACL will likely experience more stress which is why women are six times more likely to have a tear than men.
How do we prevent knee injuries?
Aubrey's story says that young ladies must learn to activate the rear leg muscles through training. Will our team's training program help? Absolutely, as long as we continue to do leg exercises that flex and strengthen the rear muscles.


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